
Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Bryniago

Dim ond ein gorau glas sy’n ddigon da


Ein Hawliau/ Our Rights

Erthygl 1

Mae gan bob un dan 18 oed yr hawliau yma.

Everyone under 18 has these rights.

Erthygl 2

Mae’r confensiwn yn gymwys i bob un waeth beth.

All children have these rights no matter what.


Erthygl 3

Dylai pob sefydliad sy’n ymwneud â phlant bob amser wneud yr hyn sydd orau i bob plentyn.

Everyone who works with children should always do what is best for each child.

Erthygl 4

Dylai’r llywodraeth sicrhau bod yr holl hawliau yma ar gael i bob plentyn.

The government should make sure that all these rights are available to all children.


Erthygl 5

Dylai llywodraethau helpu rhieni i’ch helpu chi i wybod am eich hawliau a’u defnyddio wrth i chi dyfu.

Governments should help parents to help you to know about and use children’s rights as you grow up.

Erthygl 6

Mae gennych yr hawl i fywyd ac i dyfu i fod yn iach.

You have the right to life and to grow up to be healthy.


Erthygl 7

Eich hawl i enw a chenedligrwydd.

Your right to a name and nationality.

Erthygl 8

Dylai’r llywodraeth barchu eich hawl i enw, cenedligrwydd a theulu.

The government should respect your right to a name, nationality and family.

Erthygl 9

Eich hawl i fod gyda’ch rhieni os mae dyna sydd orau i chi.

Your right to be with your parents if this is what’s best for you.


Erthygl 10

Eich hawl i weld eich teulu os ydynt yn byw mewn gwlad arall.

Your right to see your family if they live in another country

Erthygl 11

I beidio â chael eich cymryd o’r wlad yn anghyfreithlon.

Your right not to be taken out of the country illegally.


Erthygl 12

Eich hawl i ddweud beth ddylai digwydd ac i rywun wrando arnoch.

Your right to say what you think should happen and be listened to.

Erthygl 13

Eich hawl i gael gwybodaeth.

Your right to have information.


Erthygl 14

Eich hawl i ddilyn eich crefydd eich hun.

Your right to follow your own religion.

Erthygl 15

Eich hawl i gyfarfod â ffrindiau ac ymuno â grwpiau a chlybiau.

Your right to meet with friends and join groups and clubs.

Erthygl 16

Eich hawl i breifatrwydd.

Your right to have privacy.


Erthygl 17

Eich hawl i wybodaeth onest yr ydych yn ei ddeall gan bapurau newydd a’r teledu.

Your right to honest information from newspapers and television that you can understand.

Erthygl 18

Mae’r ddau riant yn rhannu’r cyfrifoldeb dros fagu eu plant, a dylent bob amser feddwl am yr hyn sydd orau ar gyfer bob plentyn.

Both parents share responsibility for bringing up their children, and they should always think about what is best for each child.


Erthygl 19

Ni ddylech gael eich niweidio a dylech gael gofal a’ch cadw’n ddiogel.

You should not be harmed and should be looked after and kept safe.

Erthygl 20

Eich hawl i dderbyn gofal os nad ydych yn gallu byw â’ch teulu eich hun.

You should be looked after properly if you can’t live with your own family.

Erthygl 21

Eich hawl i fyw yn y lle sydd orau i chi os nad ydych yn gallu byw gyda’ch rhieni.

Your right to live in the best place for you if you can’t live with your parents.


Erthygl 22

Mae gan blant sy’n ffoaduriaid yr un hawliau â phlant a aned yng Nghymru.

Refugee children have the same rights as children born in Wales.

Erthygl 23

Eich hawl i ofal arbennig a chymorth os ydych yn anabl er mwyn i chi fyw bywyd llawn ac annibynnol.

Your right to special care and support if you have a disability so that you can lead a full and independent life.


Erthygl 24

Eich hawl i fwyd a dŵr da ac i weld y meddyg os ydych yn sâl.

Your right to good food and water and to see a doctor if you are ill.

Erthygl 25

Dylid mynd i weld plant nad ydynt yn byw gyda’u teuluoedd yn gyson er mwyn sicrhau eu bod yn iawn.

Children who are not living with their families should be checked on regularly to make sure they are okay.

Erthygl 26

Yr hawl i arian ychwanegol os nad oes gen eich teulu ddigon o arian i fyw.

The right to extra money if your family hasn’t got enough to live on.


Erthygl 27

Eich hawl i safon dda o fwyd.

Your right to a good standard of living.

Erthygl 28

Eich hawl i ddysgu a mynd i’r ysgol.

Your right to learn and go to school.

Erthygl 29

Eich hawl i fod y gorau gallwch fod.

Your right to become the best that you can be.


Erthygl 30

Eich hawl i ddefnyddio eich iaith eich hun.

Your right to use your own language.

Erthygl 31

Eich hawl i ymlacio a chwarae.

Your right to relax and play.

Erthygl 32

Dylech gael eich diogelu rhag gwaith sy’n beryglus.

You should be protected from work that is dangerous.

Erthygl 33

Dylech gael eich diogelu rhag cyffuriau peryglus.

You should be protected from dangerous drugs.


Erthygl 34

Dylai’r llywodraeth ddiogelu plant rhag cam-drin rhywiol.

The government should protect children from sexual abuse.

Erthygl 35

Mae gennych yr hawl i beidio cael eich gwerthu.

You have a right not to be sold.

Erthygl 36

Dylech gael eich diogelu rhag gwneud pethau a allai beri newid i chi.

You should be protected from doing things that could harm you.


Erthygl 37

Eich hawl i gael eich trin yn deg.

Your right to be treated fairly if you break the law.

Erthygl 38

Dylai plant gael eu diogelu yn ystod rhyfel ac ni ddylid eu caniatâu i ymladd yn y fyddin os o dan 15.

Children should be protected during a war and not allowed to fight in the army if they are under 15.

Erthygl 39

Dylai plant gael cymorth arbennig os ydynt wedi cael eu camdrin.

Children should get special help if they have been abused.

Erthygl 40

Mae gennych hawl i gymorth cyfreithiol os ydych wedi cael eich cyhuddo o dorri’r gyfraith.

Your right to legal help if you have been accused of breaking the law.

Erthygl 41

Os yw cyfreithiau eich gwlad yn eich gwarchod yn well na’r hawliau ar y rhestr hon, dylai’r cyfreithiau hynny aros.

If the laws in your country protect you better than the rights in this list, those laws should stay.

Erthygl 42

Rhaid i’r llywodraeth roi gwybod i blant a theuluoedd am hawliau plant

The government must let children and families know about children’s rights
