
Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Bryniago

Dim ond ein gorau glas sy’n ddigon da


Taliadau/ Payment

Mae’r ysgol yn defnyddio system dalu ar-lein. Mae hyn yn caniatau rhieni i dalu am eitemau dyddiol o fewn yr ysgol.


The school uses the online payment programme, iPay to pay for everyday items.

Step 1.

Within your web browser, navigate to .  It will take you to main iPay webpage as per the image below.



Step 2.

Click on the “Register” option.


Step 3.

Make sure you have your onboarding letter to hand.  You will need the “Account Ref” code provided by your child’s school for the next step.







Step 4.

The below screen will now appear.  Please fill in all details as requested.


Information required for each field is as follows:

Account Ref                        -              This is the code provided by your school for onboarding

Username                           -              The username that you wish to use to login to iPay

Email                                    -              The email address that you want any iPay related correspondence to be sent to.

Confirm Email                   -              Confirmation of the email address that you want used.

Password                            -              The password you want to use for iPay.

Confirm Password           -              Confirmation of the password.

Maths Test Answer         -              The answer to the simple equation on screen.

Agree to Terms                  -              Please tick the box to agree to the T&C’s


Once all boxes are completed, you will be able to click “Register”.

If you have missed any information that is required, the missing items will be highlighted red as per the image below.


Step 5.

Please check your emails.  You will receive an activation email which requires you to click on the link to activate your account.

Step 6

You can now login to iPayImpact by going back to , and inputting your login details.


